Monday, July 15, 2013

A little reminder

It's just a normal day around here. The big kids are having a few moments of getting along (thank heavens!), Hannah is asleep, and I am procrastinating doing the dishes and laundry by cleaning up my mess of a craft room. For the last year it has been a dumping ground for all kindsof paraphernalia, so I'm bound to find some real treasures as I clean!   Of course, technically right now I'm just sitting in my messy space writing a blog post. :) I'll get to the cleaning eventually....

I was looking around trying to decided where to start when I found this:

I remember when I made this little wall hanging for my craft room. It was about three years ago, back when we were trying to have another baby and were unable to.  I was feeling full of happiness and sadness all at the same time. Happy that I had these two adorable little kids who filled my life with so much love and joy, and yet so sad that there wasn't any other little ones to share that love and joy with. I would often sit in here and try and work on projects and I would just end up sitting here crying instead. Those months and years were long and very hard for me. 

But look where three years has taken me! I feel so very blessed!! Hannah is almost 8 months old and I can't help but watch her grow and be constantly reminded of the many blessings we've received in the last year or so. I am grateful to be sitting on this side looking back, but I am also very thankful for the things I learned during those hard years. I know Heavenly Father is aware of us on an individual level. His promises are real. Sometimes blessings come now and sometimes they come later and sometimes they come in the eternities, but I know when we are faithful, they come! Isn't that amazing? I'm grateful for this simple reminder today!

Back to the cleaning....bleh...

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